Humans tire, but God doesn’t. The Lord, the everlasting God, the Creator of all the earth never grows weak or weary (Isaiah 40:28). He is a constant source of strength for us.
Physical Causes of Weariness
Inadequate Rest or Nutrition
Much weariness has natural causes. It results from inadequate rest or nutrition. Esau’s hunger and exhaustion are paired (Genesis 25:29, Isaiah 8:21). Lack of food tired Gideon’s warriors (Judges 8:5). Those who eat poorly or not at all become weary and faint (1 Samuel 14:28).
Continued Exertion
Continued exertion usually produces weariness (2 Samuel 16:14). David’s men were hungry, tired, and thirsty after a long march through the wilderness (2 Samuel 17:29). David became weak and exhausted in the thick of the battle against the Philistines (2 Samuel 21:15). Jesus became tired and weary from a long walk (John 4:6). Adequate rest and nutrition enable us to minister to others as effectively as possible.
Other Causes of Weariness
Spiritual Opposition
Living the Christian life in a God-resisting society creates weariness. Living among people who hate peace tired the Psalmist (Psalm 120:6). Our natural inclination is to conform to society’s values and opinions and not be a contrary voice. That pleases society but not God.
Sin produces sickness, weariness, and tears (Lamentations 5:17). The Enemy advertises sin’s benefits without mentioning the thistles along the road and disaster at the end of it.
Not knowing God or what to do produces weariness. It wears us out like seeking direction from a compass needle spinning in a circle or road signs in an unknown language.
Agur was weary and worn out because he didn’t have the wisdom, common sense, and knowledge of God that he needed (Proverbs 30:1). Bad advice from astrologers and stargazers tired Judah (Isaiah 47:13). God’s word is a trustworthy source of truth.
Unanswered Prayers
When our hearts repeatedly cry out to God for relief from trying circumstances and He doesn’t seem to answer, we can become weary in the effort. Hezekiah’s eyes grew tired from looking to God for deliverance from the sickness that God Himself had sent (Isaiah 38:14). Waiting for God’s actions, David’s cries for help exhausted him (Psalm 69:3).
Emotional Distress
Distress causes weariness (Psalm 57:6). David’s anguished heart produced exhaustion and feeling completely crushed (Psalm 38:8). Jesus’ disciples were exhausted emotionally and physically from everything that happened the day Jesus announced someone would betray Him (Luke 22:45). Emotional distress and worry drain our batteries like neglecting to turn off a light inside a car.
Dangers of Weariness
Weariness Spawns Discouragement
With weariness comes discouragement and vulnerability to spiritual attack (Deuteronomy 25:18, 2 Samuel 17:2). The seemingly impossible size of the job and all the rubble needing moved intimidated the workers rebuilding the wall around Jerusalem (Nehemiah 4:10). Discouragement is the liver cancer of the spirit that drains our energy and motivation.
Weariness Tempts Us to Quit
Christians must struggle against sin and do good deeds in difficult times (Hebrews 12:3). Like a marathon novice with every muscle screaming “quit” halfway through the race, we must persevere to finish well. We must run the race daily as long as we live (Hebrews 12:12).
God warned Jeremiah that he had to persevere through more difficult times ahead even though easier circumstances had tired him (Jeremiah 12:5). Gideon’s 300 men continued pursuing their goal, chasing the enemy despite exhaustion (Judges 8:4).
Paul instructed the Thessalonians to never tire of doing good (2 Thessalonians 3:13) and the Galatians that God will reward them for the good they do if they don’t get tired and give up before the finish line.
The Apostle Paul didn’t get tired of speaking the truth in love. He continued to warn Philippian believers of those who tried to undermine their faith with false teaching (Philippians 3:1). Saying it again didn’t hurt him and protected them.
Remedies for Weariness
Weariness Ceases in God’s Resting Place
God provides a resting place for the weary, but they must go there (Isaiah 28:12). God gives rest to the weary and joy to the sorrowing (Jeremiah 31:25). Jesus is the place of relief. He bestows rest to those who are weary and carry heavy burdens (Matthew 11:28).
Trust in the Lord and His Words Dispels Weariness
Words of wisdom from God comfort the weary (Isaiah 50:4). When the going becomes difficult, even youths and young men become weak, tired, and exhausted, but those who trust the Lord don’t (Isaiah 40:30).
Those who trust in the Lord acquire new strength with the ability to run and not grow weary, walk, and not faint (Isaiah 40:31). When God promises strength for those trusting Him, He provides it.
A Ministry Team Supports Us
Aaron and Hur held up Moses’ arms after he became tired (Exodus 17:12) and enabled Israel to win the battle. God designed His church to minister as a body, not a collection of single ministries. We accomplish more when we add our spiritual and natural gifts to those of others to form ministry teams.
God’s Promised Salvation Strengthens and Encourages His Followers
The good news was that God was coming to save Judah and deliver them from their enemies. God’s promised salvation strengthens those with tired hands and encourages those with weak knees (Isaiah 35:3) to remain faithful to Him. Our present difficulties will pass. The best is yet to be. See additional free spiritual growth resources for Christians. #freediscipleshipresources #freeevangelismresources #freechristianleadershipresources
See free spiritual growth resources for Christians at https://www.christiangrowthresources.com
God has empowered me to write “His Power for Your Weakness—260 Steps Toward Spiritual Strength.” It’s a free evangelistic, devotional, and discipleship eBook. Pastors have used it in Malawi, Mozambique, and Zambia to lead more than 2,800 people to Christ and teach the basics of Christianity to 8,387 people. I invite you to check it out.