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Opportunities to Do Good Introduce Themselves as Choices

Writer's picture: Jack SelcherJack Selcher

Updated: Dec 28, 2024

Those choices introduce us to additional ones. We can always justify why we shouldn’t get involved in meeting a need. As you will soon discover, I don’t help everyone who requests it so I can keep the main thing God has given me to do the main thing.

Facebook Messenger has a mind of its own. It sends the following message to many people daily: “Hi (name)! Please let us know how we can help you.” With more understanding of all things Facebook, I could change that message. I haven’t figured that out yet.

This message is sent to people in India, Nigeria, and the Philippines now. Can you guess what many people request for such an open-ended question? That’s right, money.

I receive as many as ten such requests every day. Some people describe some medical emergency to justify their request. Most cut right to the chase and ask for money without any reason why they need it.

I say no to all of these requests. I don’t know if the needs are legitimate, and, even if they are, the number of requests is overwhelming. My standard reply: “I am sorry, but my ministry is providing free spiritual resources for Christians.” That is my lane. I must stay in it.

Other responses I received from Facebook’s invitation to help include: How can I volunteer for your organization? Can you tell me more about your organization? Where is your organization located? How can I donate to your organization? How can I join your organization?

I send almost everyone the same message.

 “Hello. I'm Jack Selcher, a pastor who lives in Pennsylvania, USA. I invite you to check out the free spiritual resources at If they are helpful, please tell others about them. It isn't a business. I provide these resources at my own expense. Sorry, no one is available to chat. You can find more information about me and the resources by clicking the link for the website or Google Christian Growth Resources. Please let me know your email address if you would like to receive my twice-weekly blogs. You can also access them on my website. You can't join anything or donate. The resources are free. Tell others about them! May God's grace fill your sails today and always! The best way to see what Christian Growth Resources is about is to go to my website where all the resources are. The best way to help is to tell others about the free resources on my website.”

I can help people best by making the spiritual resources I have spent thousands of hours writing free on my website. So, I send my message to at least fifty people daily who message me.

I have no idea how many of them go to my website. I am convinced the best way to love all these people I will never meet personally is to use the writing gift God has given me to point them toward Jesus and what I have learned about following Him.

Five to ten times weekly, someone sends a message asking me to pray for them.  I usually write out my prayer and send it. Unless they ask me to pray for something specific, my prayer is “Father in Heaven, I pray your grace will abound toward (name) and meet all their needs so they will be prepared to do every good deed you have planned for them for your glory. Amen.” That is 2 Corinthians 9:8 turned into a prayer.

Today a man asked me to pray for salvation and peace for him. His response was, “Amen.” I also sent him an attachment explaining how he could know God personally.

That is how I have spent my six retirement years. I have taken no trips, vacations, or cruises. I have not traveled more than sixty miles from home although I have had multiple invitations to visit foreign countries.

I am where God wants me to be doing what he wants me to do. I have never been more blessed or filled with His joy and peace. To God be the glory.

Opportunities to do good introduce themselves as choices. How are you managing your resources to do every good deed God has planned for you for His glory? See additional free spiritual growth resources for Christians.  #freediscipleshipresources #freeevangelismresources #freechristianleadershipresources 

See free spiritual growth resources for Christians at

God has empowered me to write “His Power for Your Weakness—260 Steps Toward Spiritual Strength.” It’s a free evangelistic, devotional, and discipleship eBook. Pastors have used it in Malawi, Mozambique, and Zambia to lead more than 2,800 people to Christ and teach the basics of Christianity to 8,090 people. I invite you to check it out.

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Thank you for your faithful response to God's calling on your life... for understanding and staying in your lane!

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