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How Can I Find Peace within Myself?

Writer's picture: Jack SelcherJack Selcher

Updated: Dec 31, 2024

A person reaching out to Jesus who is hanging on the cross.

Someone asked, “Why can’t I find peace in my life?” or in other words, “How can I find peace within myself?”

Tudorache Gabriel answered, “Because you’re looking for something that’s already in you. Also you’re probably expecting it from external factors, but actually peace is a state of mind so it’s dependent on you…. Meditating on nothingness effortlessly will give you the discipline to “turn off” the thoughts you don’t want and with time your mind will unlearn those thoughts and reactions.”1


My reaction to suggestions like “meditate on nothingness” is “Just admit you don’t know the answer to the question and don’t have real peace either.” “The way of peace they do not know” (Romans 3:17 NIV). They try to fill the vacuum with the Enemy’s mumbo jumbo counterfeit peace.

The six-word answer to “Why can’t I find peace in my life?” is, "God is not pleased with you.” Why? The first question to ask is, “Have I received Jesus Christ, God’s provision for my sin, as my Savior and Lord? We shouldn’t expect peace if we haven’t.

How do I know? The armies of heaven announced Jesus’ birth with these words, “Glory to God in highest heaven, and peace on earth to those with whom God is pleased” (Luke 2:14 NLT).

We don’t search for peace inside and find it when we meditate on nothing. It is God’s gift granted to those who please Him.

It is available through a relationship with Jesus alone. Looking for it inside is like searching for a Boeing 747 jet behind our livers.

Peace has Jesus-centered prerequisites. Jesus is God’s guide “to shine on those living in darkness and in the shadow of death, to guide our feet into the path of peace” (Luke 1:79 NIV).

At Jesus’ baptism. “a voice from heaven said, “This is my Son, whom I love; with him I am well pleased” (Matthew 3:17 NIV).

At His transfiguration, we hear the same words. “While he was still speaking, a bright cloud covered them, and a voice from the cloud said, “This is my Son, whom I love; with him I am well pleased. Listen to him!” (Matthew 17:5 NIV).

Listen to Him when He says, “The time has come,” … “The kingdom of God has come near. Repent and believe the good news!” (Mark 1:15). The good news is that we have peace with God and the peace of God through Jesus Christ, Lord of all (Acts 10:36).

Jesus was the only sinless person in history. God is pleased only with His sinless Son and those who by undeserved favor through faith are in Christ with His righteousness credited to their accounts (Romans 4:24).

The Jewish people didn’t know that receiving Jesus as their Messiah would bring them peace (Luke 19:42) or that faith in Him justifies the sinner and brings peace with God (Romans 5:1). God made “peace through his blood, shed on the cross” (Colossians 1:20 NIV).

Peace is only in Jesus (John 16:33). It is His gift (John 14:27) and the result of His Spirit in the driver’s seat of our lives (Galatians 5:22). It is foolish to look anywhere else for it. See additional free spiritual growth resources for Christians. #freediscipleshipresources #freeevangelismresources #freechristianleadershipresources 

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God has empowered me to write “His Power for Your Weakness—260 Steps Toward Spiritual Strength.” It’s a free evangelistic, devotional, and discipleship eBook. Pastors have used it in Malawi, Mozambique, and Zambia to lead more than 2,800 people to Christ and teach the basics of Christianity to 8,090 people. I invite you to check it out.



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