235 Sermon and Devotional Ideas
Brief Sermon Summaries
235 Sermon and Devotional Ideas is a discipleship resource that is the next step after His Power for Your Weakness--260 Steps Toward Spiritual Strength. This book distills brief life-steadying lessons I have learned from 55 years of walking with Jesus, 42 as a pastor. Many of them are expository sermon summaries that live again as devotional ideas. May God use them to bless and encourage you so that you can bless and encourage others. This book is one of six books available through Discipleship Books Free Download.
235 Sermon and Devotional Ideas emphasize embracing and living the gospel. The gospel is a message to believe, the ABC of Evangelism, and also a new Jesus-focused way of life. It examines various false gospels that challenge this way of life and point away from the truth.
Jesus is the truth. His disciples grow in, apply, and live in that truth. It is a lifelong process of escaping the darkness, tyranny, and tangles of Satan's lies. It includes worshipping in truth and leading others in truth. You can gauge how you are progressing with Checking My Spiritual Health.
Jesus didn't come to earth to be served but to serve. A Jesus-centered life is dedicated to serving God and others. Such service is humble, loving, persistent, strategic, corporate, and sacrificial. The book examines each of these dimensions.
Finally, Jesus-centered living is anchored in hope and joy. For Jesus' disciples, the best is yet to be.
See additional free evangelism training, discipleship, and leadership materials.
Additional Resources
Learn about how to strength your faith, act as a witness to others, and grow your church.
Checking My Spiritual Health helps you evaluate your spiritual health.
Ministry Fatigue equips you to endure ministry stress and not quit.
Numerous blogs can help you grow to be more like Jesus.
Assimilation in Church helps people find a home in your church.
Discipleship PDF Free Download offers five free eBooks.
Evangelism Training prepares you to share your faith in Christ with others.